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Static code analysis



Checking for line length

The default is 100. You can change it like following:

Initialize-AnalyseTask {
    param ([hashtable] $TaskData)
    $TaskData.analyseConfiguration = @{
        Global = @{
            AnalyzePathAndFileNames = @('./Invoke-Tasks.ps1')
        AnalyzeLineLength = @{
            MaximumLength = 80
        # other settings
The severity is information.

Checking for count of functions

The default is 20. You can change it like following:

Initialize-AnalyseTask {
    param ([hashtable] $TaskData)
    $TaskData.analyseConfiguration = @{
        Global = @{
            AnalyzePathAndFileNames = @('./Invoke-Tasks.ps1')
        AnalyzeFunctionCount = @{
            MaximumCount = 30
        # other settings
The severity is information.

Checking for line count

The default is 1000. You can change it like following:

Initialize-AnalyseTask {
    param ([hashtable] $TaskData)
    $TaskData.analyseConfiguration = @{
        Global = @{
            AnalyzePathAndFileNames = @('./Invoke-Tasks.ps1')
        AnalyzeLineCount = @{
            MaximumCount = 500
        # other settings
The severity is information.

Checking for function line count

The default is 50. You can change it like following:

Initialize-AnalyseTask {
    param ([hashtable] $TaskData)
    $TaskData.analyseConfiguration = @{
        Global = @{
            AnalyzePathAndFileNames = @('./Invoke-Tasks.ps1')
        AnalyzeFunctionLineCount = @{
            MaximumCount = 45
        # other settings
The severity is warning.

Checking for function parameter count

The default is 5. You can change it like following:

Initialize-AnalyseTask {
    param ([hashtable] $TaskData)
    $TaskData.analyseConfiguration = @{
        Global = @{
            AnalyzePathAndFileNames = @('./Invoke-Tasks.ps1')
        AnalyzeFunctionParameterCount = @{
            MaximumCount = 2
        # other settings
The severity is warning.

Checking for function name

The name should be always like this:

  • Using a known verb before the dash like Initialize (see Get-Verb)
  • The name in CamelCase after the dash like AnalyseTask

You cannot change the verb checking. But you can Change the regex for the name after the dash like this (showing the default here):

Initialize-AnalyseTask {
    param ([hashtable] $TaskData)
    $TaskData.analyseConfiguration = @{
        Global = @{
            AnalyzePathAndFileNames = @('./Invoke-Tasks.ps1')
        AnalyzeFunctionName = @{
            FunctionNameRegex = "^[A-Z][a-z]+([A-Z][a-z]+)*$"
        # other settings

The severity is warning.

Checking for script block line count

The default is 50. You can change it like following:

Initialize-AnalyseTask {
    param ([hashtable] $TaskData)
    $TaskData.analyseConfiguration = @{
        Global = @{
            AnalyzePathAndFileNames = @('./Invoke-Tasks.ps1')
        AnalyzeScriptBlockLineCount = @{
            MaximumCount = 45
        # other settings
The severity is warning.

Please note: The limit includes also functions since a function does have a script block too. The main focus of course a script block that are not function (eventually I can filter out those ones later one)

Checking for function COM/LOC ratio

The default is 0.25. You can change it like following:

Initialize-AnalyseTask {
    param ([hashtable] $TaskData)
    $TaskData.analyseConfiguration = @{
        Global = @{
            AnalyzePathAndFileNames = @('./Invoke-Tasks.ps1')
        AnalyzeFunctionComLocRatio = @{
            Ratio = 0.5
        # other settings
The severity is warning. A ratio of 0.25 means 1/4 means one line comment (at least) and three lines of code to keep the ratio. As an example:

function Write-Message() {
    param([String] $Message)
    # write information message to console
    Write-Information "Invoke-Tasks :: $Message" -InformationAction Continue

This function will generate following warning message when the ratio would be adjusted to 0.5:

Too less comments 'Write-Message' (1/3=0,33 is below 0,5)

Checking for function unused parameter

There is nothing you can adjust. When a parameter (in a param Block) does exist but is not used it will be reported. The severity is warning.

Checking for trailing whitepaces

There is nothing you can adjust. When there are trailing whitespaces it will be reported. The severity is information.

Checking for function documentation

There is nothing you can adjust. The analyse does report:

  • missing synopsis (at least this should be provided)
  • missing parameter documentation
  • documented parameter that is not in the parameter block

The severity is warning.

Checking for magic values

The default is shown in the given example. You can change it like following:

Initialize-AnalyseTask {
    param ([hashtable] $TaskData)
    $TaskData.analyseConfiguration = @{
        Global = @{
            AnalyzePathAndFileNames = @('./Invoke-Tasks.ps1')
        AnalyzeMagicValues = @{
            Excludes = @(0, 1, "`"`"", "`"{0}`"")
        # other settings

The severity is warning.

Checking for function nested depth

The default is 3. You can change it like following:

Initialize-AnalyseTask {
    param ([hashtable] $TaskData)
    $TaskData.analyseConfiguration = @{
        Global = @{
            AnalyzePathAndFileNames = @('./Invoke-Tasks.ps1')
        AnalyzeFunctionNestedDepth = @{
            MaximumDepth = 4
        # other settings

The severity is warning.

Checking for function return count

The default is 1. You can change it like following:

Initialize-AnalyseTask {
    param ([hashtable] $TaskData)
    $TaskData.analyseConfiguration = @{
        Global = @{
            AnalyzePathAndFileNames = @('./Invoke-Tasks.ps1')
        AnalyzeFunctionReturnCount = @{
            MaximumCount = 3
        # other settings

The severity is warning.

Checking for function cyclomatic complexity

The default is 10. You can change it like following:

Initialize-AnalyseTask {
    param ([hashtable] $TaskData)
    $TaskData.analyseConfiguration = @{
        Global = @{
            AnalyzePathAndFileNames = @('./Invoke-Tasks.ps1')
        AnalyzeFunctionCyclomaticComplexity = @{
            MaximumComplexity = 5
        # other settings

The severity is warning.

It does count if, elseif, while (with condition to enter loop), for (with condition), switch (cases with a break), trap statements and logical operators (and, or, xor). Each of them count one.

Checking for script block cyclomatic complexity

The default is 10. You can change it like following:

Initialize-AnalyseTask {
    param ([hashtable] $TaskData)
    $TaskData.analyseConfiguration = @{
        Global = @{
            AnalyzePathAndFileNames = @('./Invoke-Tasks.ps1')
        AnalyzeScriptBlockCyclomaticComplexity = @{
            MaximumComplexity = 5
        # other settings

The severity is warning.

It does count if, elseif, while (with condition to enter loop), for (with condition), switch (cases with a break), trap statements and logical operators (and, or, xor). Each of them count one.

Checking for script block COM/LOC ratio

The default ratio is 0.25 and default minimum lines are 3. You can change it like following:

Initialize-AnalyseTask {
    param ([hashtable] $TaskData)
    $TaskData.analyseConfiguration = @{
        Global = @{
            AnalyzePathAndFileNames = @('./Invoke-Tasks.ps1')
        AnalyzeScriptBlockComLocRatio = @{
            Ratio = 0.5
            MinimumLines = 5
        # other settings
The severity is warning. The behavior is pretty the same as for the function (see example there)

Checking for empty script blocks

There is nothing you can adjust. When there is an empty script block it will be reported. The severity is warning.